On Oct. 9, at the Burton Manor in Livonia, Michigan, The Muslim Observer (TMO) held its annual fundraising dinner. Keynote speaker, Wajahat Ali spoke about the importance of storytelling in the Muslim community.
Student Council is composed of a set number of elected students, and a faculty advisor. This year’s faculty advisor is Dr. Adam Hazlett, English and Religious Studies instructor.
Detroit has 21 public library branches and is the fourth largest public library system in the United States. With this many locations, it shouldn’t be a problem for citizens to find a good book to read or a place to study.
Henry Ford College, in collaboration with the League of Women Voters, hosted the 14th Annual Michigan Student Political Issues Convention for students from various educational institutions in and around Michigan.
The 1960s were a time of rising social tension throughout The United States. Racial conflicts and anti-Vietnam War sentiments were especially high in Detroit.