
Regional Transit Authority Millage

Detroit is a city deprived of accessible and efficient public transportation.

Empowering Muslim Journalists and Storytellers

On Oct. 9, at the Burton Manor in Livonia, Michigan, The Muslim Observer (TMO) held its annual fundraising dinner. Keynote speaker, Wajahat Ali spoke about the importance of storytelling in the Muslim community.

Board of Trustees Election: Balancing Henry Ford College and Dearborn Public Schools

The Dearborn Public School Board serves as the elected board over both Dearborn Public Schools and Henry Ford College.

Student Council Elections 2016

Your Vote Counts button

Student Council is composed of a set number of elected students, and a faculty advisor. This year’s faculty advisor is Dr. Adam Hazlett, English and Religious Studies instructor.

Detroit Public Library Looking Ahead

Close up photo of books on shelves.

Detroit has 21 public library branches and is the fourth largest public library system in the United States. With this many locations, it shouldn’t be a problem for citizens to find a good book to read or a place to study.

14th Annual Michigan Student Political Issues Conference

Photo of students in auditorium attending the 14th Annual Political Issues Conference at HFC

Henry Ford College, in collaboration with the League of Women Voters, hosted the 14th Annual Michigan Student Political Issues Convention for students from various educational institutions in and around Michigan.

The Media Landscape in Detroit: Then and Now

Recent portrait photo of Harvey Ovshinsky

The 1960s were a time of rising social tension throughout The United States. Racial conflicts and anti-Vietnam War sentiments were especially high in Detroit.

Black Lives Matter at HFC

Photo of David P. Gelios, FBI, Kalvin Harvell, HFC Sociology Instructor, and Dearborn Heights Police Chief, Lee Gavin

In April 2015, 25-year-old African American Baltimore resident Freddie Gray died from injuries sustained while in police custody.

Wayne County Faces Criticism Over Mandatory Life Sentences

Photo of jail cells.

In January of this year, the Supreme Court made retroactive a 2012 ruling striking down mandatory life sentences without parole for juveniles.

Election Guide - 2016 Ballot

Close up photo of 2016 ballot in Michigan.

2016 Election Guide
The candidates and their stances on the issues voted most important by the HFC community.

President of the United States:

Vote for one candidate.


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