
Nifty Thrifty or Popping Tags

Photo shows a cart full of thrift shop purchases

Macklemore may have had a hand in reviving the modern “Thrift Store” but the act of donating or repurposing clothing and goods is nothing new. Humans have been donating clothes since Adam passed on his fig leaf to Cain.

Youmacon 2019

A woman cosplaying as Buliara from Legend of Zelda

Photo credit: Shelby T., Sabina McDonnell, Andy Cleveland as Vex'ahlia, Pike, Keyleth, Vax'ildan, and Raven Queen | Photo by Katherine Warden

Landscapes Through Michigan Eyes

Landscape painting by Donald Cronkhite

Henry Ford College’s Sisson Art Gallery is featuring “Landscapes Through Michigan Eyes” by eleven professional Michigan-based artists. Twenty-six pieces vary from drawings to paintings to photographs.

Mary Poppins floats on stage at HFC

Promotional image for HFC's production of Mary Poppins

Directed by theater instructor Mary Bremer-Beer and starring students from the fine and performing arts department, Henry Ford College is bringing to life the childhood classic, Mary Poppins.

“The Enjoy Agenda” of Rick Bailey

Photo shows Rick Bailey leaning against a wall

On Oct. 16 in the Eshleman Library, former Henry Ford English professor Dr.

Manifesting Detroit's Destiny with Afrofuturist Ingrid Lafleur

Photo of Ingrid Lafleur

In Detroit, one of the most prominent proponents of Afrofuturism is curator, former mayoral candidate and founder of Afrotopia, Ingrid LaFleur.

WHFR Craft Bazaar and Record Show

Photo shows several people looking through boxes of records

WHFR, Henry Ford College’s radio station, held its 12th annual Record Show and very first “Rock & Roll” Craft Bazaar this past Saturday.


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