
Student Nurses Provide Medical Care in Costa Rica

A picture of students walking in a narrow way between houses in Costa Rica

Student nurses from Henry Ford College, Washtenaw Community College and South University traveled to Costa Rica to assist residents in disadvantaged areas and gain experience in medical care.

Protecting Female Athletes Under Title IX After Nassar

Drawing of female athlete with creepy arms reaching out for her.

Larry Nassar, former USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University doctor was sentenced to 40-175 years in Ingham County and 40-125 years in Eaton County, after pleading guilty to several counts of first degree criminal sexual misconduct.

Police Stop Armed Bank Robbery

Canton police officers near Citizens Bank courtesy ClickOnDetroit

On Jan. 25, local law enforcement stopped an attempted armed bank robbery at the Citizens Bank on Canton Center Road in Canton Township. Devin Rodriguez sealed himself inside the Citizens Bank, taking two employees and one customer hostage.

Interview with Trustee Celia Nasser

2018 Dearborn Board of Education Trustee Mary Lane (left), Secretary Hussein Berry, Trustee Celia Nasser, President Michael Meade, Vice President Mary Petlichkoff, Trustee James Thorpe and Treasurer Fadwa Hammoud courtesy DPS

Celia Nasser is currently completing her term as trustee for Henry Ford College and the Dearborn Public School Board. Nasser’s position as trustee was formerly held by Mariam Bazzi..

A Grassroots School in Detroit Fosters “Living Ideas”

Educational inequality continues to be a concern across the state of Michigan. Those in communities with fewer resources, both rural and urban, struggle to access education that ignites a love of learning and prepares them for life.

Anti-Muslim hate crimes continue to rise

Islamophobia written on a note paper

As political rhetoric from the right becomes more and more openly anti-Muslim, violent crimes against Muslims, and those perceived to be Muslim, have increased in kind.

International Students at HFC

Sometimes it’s hard for Michiganders to see the potential of the state.

As visibility grows, trans people face increasing violence

Infographic showing spike in violence against transgender and LGBTQ individuals

The struggle for LGBT rights and visibility has seen several successes over the years.

Where Does Our Trash Go?

Maze leading out to recycling or landfill.

It is a mystery as to what happens to the trash on campus once it has been collected. Does it go to a landfill? Is the recycling actually recycled? What about hazardous waste?

Auto Show Stresses the Auto in Automobile

Picture of Ford Motor Company’s Self-Driving Prototype

Self-driving cars are no longer an idea reserved for science fiction. Autonomous vehicles stole the show at this year’s North American International Auto Show.


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