On Sept. 16, Dearborn officially opened its 41st park on Graham Street in the Lonyo Neighborhood. At the grand opening, dozens of kids could be seen playing on the equipment and chasing a ball on the soccer field.
Last Friday, over 4,500 strikes took place in 163 countries, from Fiji to Kenya, demanding transformative action in combating the climate crisis.
Over the next five years the country will see a shortage in skilled trade positions. A skilled trade position is a position that requires a special skill, knowledge or ability.
On Sept. 23, the Henry Ford College Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation (CTEI) hosted a screening of the film “Unlikely” at the Forfa Auditorium at Henry Ford College.
On June 17, Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II visited Henry Ford College for a leadership discussion focusing on closing the skills gap in Information Technology and increasing the number of underrepresented minorities in the field.
Of all the programs at HFC, the Ophthalmic Technician Program, or “The Eye Program,” is probably the most unique.
Michigan has more annual opioid prescriptions written than residents. In 2017, there were 2,033 deaths caused by overdoses involving opioids in Michigan. Deaths involving heroin, increased from 263 to 783 deaths over a 5-year period.
Henry Ford College’s Fifty-One O One is a student-run fine dining restaurant on campus. With every flip of the spatula, every stir with a spoon, every seasoning, and every sizzling frying pan is a lesson. A delicious lesson.
Title IX is a law prohibiting sex discrimination in federally funded facilities. During the Obama Administration, several revisions were made to Title IX, focusing on transgender rights and victims of sexual violence.