Written and directed by comedian Jordan Peele, “Get Out” is no ordinary horror film. It is a creatively constructed harrowing yet satirical multi-layered piece of social commentary focusing on race relations in America.
Gender, divorce and the trauma of war are topics many people do not like to dwell on. I know people who will do anything and everything to escape talking about these topics. The tough truth is they cannot be avoided.
HBO is currently airing the sixth and final season of the hit show “Girls.” Whether you are someone who has followed the show from the beginning or someone who has never watched it at all, its newest episodes are something worth seeing in their own rig
Have you wondered if having a split personality is a gateway to the supernatural? In the movie “Split,” director M. Night Shyamalan takes us back to the movie universe of one of his prior films, “Unbreakable,” which starred Bruce Willis and Samuel L.
On Friday, Jan. 20, the highly anticipated M. Night Shyamalan movie “Split” was released into theaters. The thriller revolves around the main character, Kevin Wendell Crumb, and his 23 personalities.
If you are interested in a Netflix show with a happy ending, you may want to stream something else. Naturally, when a book, or book series is transformed into a movie or a television show, much of the story and context is lost.