Starting in 2015 with the Netflix series “Daredevil,” Marvel Studios has been producing shows on the streaming service that revolve around different characters in the Marvel Universe outside of “The Avengers” movies.
Monday, March 27, Green Day performed at the Joe Louis Arena for the Revolution Radio Tour. The album “Revolution Radio” was released October 7, 2016, as a concept album giving some insight on the band’s political views.
Few new hip restaurants in Detroit offer cuisine that truly reflects the community in which it operates. It is even more rare to find such a restaurant that so boldly depicts the love and urgency of family.
On a typical Saturday morning, Russell Street Deli often has a line outside the door. After eating there for lunch, it is easy to see why. Not only are the sandwiches attractive to look at, but their appearance matches their taste.
Tandoori Corner, located in Canton, boasts a variety of homemade fusion Indian-Pakistani cuisine. The small hole in the wall was opened two years ago by owner, Aisha, and her husband.
Originally released as a beta in March 2017 on the PC, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds previewed for Xbox One on Dec. 12. A month later, the Xbox One version has already sold over three-million copies. It was developed by Brendan Greene.
The Netflix original film “Bright,” directed by David Ayer, stars Will Smith and Joel Edgerton. In the first three days of its release in the U.S. last December just before the holidays, there were over 11 million TV streams.
Known for lengthy song titles and incomprehensible lyrics, Fall Out Boy has always been the band of many wonders. When they began in the early 2000s as a small band from Chicago, they never dreamed they would be as big as they are now.