“Annihilation,” based on the 2014 novel by Jeff VanderMeer, directed and written for the screen by Alex Garland, and starring Natalie Portman as cellular biologist and former soldier, Lena, seeks to make the abstract cinematic.
Tomb Raider is a franchise that has been around since its debut on the Sony Playstation in 1996. With a current total of 17 video games and the release of the third movie on March 16, the franchise has undergone quite the change.
“Cloverfield Paradox,” now streaming on Netflix, is the third film in the Cloverfield franchise. The film is an attempt to tie the stories of “Cloverfield” and “10 Cloverfield Lane” together and expand the vast dystopian universe.
As Dan Fogelman’s beautiful, award-winning drama comes to a second season close, its indisputable popularity confirms that America is saying “This Is Us” also.
Directed by Ryan Coogler, featuring a predominantly black cast, Disney and Marvel Studio’s “Black Panther,” not to be mistaken for the 1960s Civil Rights movement of the same name, brings to life the first known black superhero in mainstream American c
Tucked away in a small strip of businesses on Michigan Avenue in Dearborn is a contemporary shoebox shaped establishment where you can find gourmet nuevo Latino street food and an assortment of Mbar juices filled with exotic flavors.
Government accountability, freedom of the press and equal rights for women make Steven Spielberg’s 2018 Academy Award nominated film, “The Post,” as relevant today as its true events were in 1971.