Health and Science

Campbell’s Announces GMO Labeling

Cans of Campbell's Soup on a store shelf.

Campbell’s announced labeling of genetically modified ingredients in nearly all of its products.

Women’s Recognition Luncheon

On Friday, February 5, HFC will be hosting the 43rd Women’s Recognition Luncheon. Since February is the American Heart Month, the theme of this year’s event will be, “We’ve Gone Red.”

WINGS Helps Women Reach New Heights

Many women working in STEM+B professions feel that they work twice as hard to get half the respect of their male coworkers in the workplace.

Heroin Epidemic: Our Collapsing Community

Picture a 12 year old, a 16 year old, a 29 year old, a 35 year old, a 43 year old, and a 57 year old all lying on cold metal mortuary tables. They never met but they all died from the exact same thing.

Girls Can Code

The 'Girls Who Code' logo.

From a young age, girls are typically not encouraged to explore computer sciences or pursue interests in related fields.

Cancer Fighting Bacteria

Illustration of a brown blob grimacing at a bacteria who is showing off tiny arms with bulging muscles.

Liver cancer incidence rates are twice what they were twenty years ago for both genders. And, being a form of cancer that is generally diagnosed late, its mortality rate is very high. The Cancer Research Institute explains that, “The overall 5-year relative survival rate for patients with liver cancer is 16%. Less than half of patients with liver cancer are diagnosed at an early stage, when the 5-year survival is 29%. For patients with regional and metastatic disease, survival rates drop to 10% and 3%.”

Superheroes of the Night at Cranbrook

Illustration of fictionalized bat villians.

When the mango plants need pollinating; when the insect population is out of control; when the rainforest is being destroyed; who you gonna call? The Bats! Bats: Super Heroes of the Night is an exhibit at Cranbrook Institute of Science open September 26, 2015 - June 9, 2016. The exhibit highlights bats’ crucial role in the environment as well as the threats they’re facing as a species and adds a super hero/villain spin to their struggle, making it easier to understand.

Fundraising to Test Rape Kits

The Michigan Women’s Foundation is hosting a Crowdrise campaign to raise money for untested rape kits in Detroit, MI. The event is called the Enough SAID: African American 490 Challenge and its aim, according to its page, is to raise 10 million dollars to test and help raise money to prosecute the backlog of over 11,000 rape kits discovered in a warehouse belonging to the Detroit Police Department back in 2009.

Planned Parenthood from their very first steps

How the Other Half Lives: HFC’s Nursing Campus

All of us are familiar with HFC’s campus. We know the different buildings and the ongoing struggle to park our cars. But just ten minutes from here exists a whole other world, servicing programs and educating students away from the hustle and bustle of the main campus.

This world is HFC’s east campus. Located at Schaefer Road and Rotunda Drive, the east campus is tucked into a secluded corner of Dearborn, just across from Ford’s Dearborn Truck Plant.


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