Rick and Morty is an adult animated sci-fi comedy series on Adult Swim. Created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, it is, arguably, the channel’s hero product of the late 2010’s.
Studio Ghibli’s newest animated movie, “The Boy and the Heron” (2023), directed by Hayao Miyazaki (“Spirited Away,” “My Neighbor Totoro”), is an instant masterpiece in animation and storytelling from a beloved director.
Farah Alqaraghuli, a pharmaceutical consultant with a University of Buffalo Pharmaceutical Sciences degree, began her entrepreneurial path by opening Shaghf Café in Canton, Michigan, with her husband, Ammar Louay.
Shahad Alsaid runs Paradise City Salon and Spa with her mother, owner Hanin Alsaid. Alsaid was born and raised in Palestine, Nablus, and later earned a Cosmetology degree in Jordan.
After watching Sofia Coppola’s, “Priscilla,” I was not only inspired by Priscilla Presley’s life story, but also by her keen fashion sense. From a young school girl to Elvis Presley’s muse and more, Priscilla adapted an iconic sense of style.
On Sept. 28, the dating reality television series, “The Golden Bachelor,” premiered on ABC network. Twenty-two beautiful women, aged between 60 and 75, began their quest for love with 72-year -old “Golden Bachelor” star, Gerry Turner.
There may be a scene of a decapitated body but “Five Nights at Freddy’s” is a family-friendly horror movie that kids want to see. On Halloween, I took my eight-year-old sister to see the movie.