Career Corner

Career Corner - Dress For Success

Hello HFC students, faculty, and staff! Welcome to another great year at Henry Ford College. My name is Chad Austin and I am the Career Services Officer here.

Apply Now for Co-op

As the Cooperative Education Officer, I meet regularly with HFC graduates. They are struggling to find entry-level jobs, even though they already have their degree.

Dean Fred K. Eshelman

Sex with Dr. Pearsall

Counselors join Mirror News

Students who wish...

Lone Survivor Movie Review

(May Contain Spoilers)

Let me be clear first before anyone comes and accuses me of disrespecting our soldiers, I am not against the bravery and honor the U.S Armed Forces do, I utterly respect it. Considering this movie was based on a true story, what these men did was heroic and will go into the books. This is merely a review of a movie and not an evaluation of the Soldiers who fight for our country.

Campus Essentials - The Importance of Body Language

When most people prepare for an interview, they spend a large portion of their time thinking about how they might answer questions, what to wear, and what they want to convey about themselves. Few people stop to consider what their body language is saying about them and how that might impact their success in an interview. Follow these suggestions to make sure that your non-verbals are saying the right thing.


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