Artist Spotlight: Selena Murdock

Selena Murdock is a local artist who has been attending Henry Ford College since the fall of 2013. She has been drawing and painting from an early age and continues to do so at the age of 20. The following is an interview I conducted with her about when she started drawing and where she hopes to be.
Malak: How long have you been drawing and painting?
Selena: Since I could hold a pencil. I started out with stick figures and advanced from there through individual practice.
M: Do you feel like you have been drawing more since you entered college?
S: Ever since I graduated high school, I have way more free time and with that free time, it’s what I love to do the most and that's drawing.
M: What inspired you to decide to sell your artwork online?
S: When my friend, Nadine, actually wanted to buy a picture. She was the first customer I ever had. Since she wanted to buy it, I wanted to see if I can get out there a little more; I made a Facebook page to post all of my artwork on there and since then, people started flooding in asking about my drawings.
M: Have you created any of your own characters through drawing?
S: Yes. Actually, I recently really started getting into drawing anime and animation. But, I don’t really draw them that much since I started doing some custom portraits and paintings recommended by my customers.
M: What are the most popular requests that you get from customers?
S: Disney characters are really popular, especially for [...] newborns, birthday parties, and as presents.
M: I noticed on your Facebook page that you started off with sketching and small drawing and now progressed to painting. How did that advanced development occur throughout these past few years?
S: Honestly, movies. I would be watching Disney princess movies with my little sisters and they would ask me to draw a character and when I can, I would go over it with paint. So then, really any image from the computer inspired me to try replicating it with paint.
M: What are your plans with art at HFC? Is there a specific major you are thinking of?
S: I’m hoping to go for a dual degree. I’m looking at illustration and a muralist for one, and then I’m going for medical, but I’m not really sure yet. Maybe a medical illustrator where I draw the pictures in the books of the cells and other visuals. For business inquiries, visit “Lena’s Gallery” on Facebook. Email: