Student Clubs Embrace Diversity At Globefest

Anyone who came into the Student Center on April 10th would remember how much the
relaxation spot for students resembled a zoo. As soon as you walked through the double doors,
there were people everywhere, wandering around the cafeteria browsing and trying various trays
of delicious ethnic food.

The cause of this major traffic jam was the 2013 Globefest. Sponsored by the Council of World
Cultures, Globefest is an event that educates students on different cultures from around the
world, while incorporating food, entertainment, and activities. Many student clubs participated
in this celebration, with each organization representing a different country. Clubs that were part
of the Globefest included the African-American Association (Egypt), Amnesty International
(Bahrain), the Baking Club (France), Psi Beta (India), Phi Theta Kappa (Japan), the Community
Service Club (Greece), Rotaract Club (Mexico), Lebanese American Heritage club (Lebanon),
and the Student Environmental Association.

There were a variety of delicious foods and desserts to choose from, with each table serving a
dish specific to their own country.

“Our table is representing Japan, and today we are serving California rolls, veggie rolls, and
sushi” said Mason Whitmore, member of Phi Theta Kappa.

One of the most popular tables was the Mexican station, which kept running out of food quickly.

“We had chicken empanadas, enchiladas, and quesadillas” stated Rotaract member Kelcie

While most of the foods were dishes that are now popular in the US, there was one I haven’t
heard before. For example, koshary, a famous Egyptian dish.

“It has spaghetti noodles, tomato sauce and onions” says Andre Lewis, member of the African-
American Association.

Koshary can also be made with macaroni, rice, lentils, garlic sauce, and chili sauce. The
vegetarian recipe is a favorite amongst Egyptian restaurants, street vendors, and is a traditional
meal in Egyptian households. (

While you sampled the cuisine, you could also watch some great entertainment. The first act to
perform was mariachi band Estrella De Mexico. Following them, was the Lebanese dance group,
Layalia Folk Dance Troupe. For those not into the song and dance portion of Globefest, you
could also see a presentation on Egypt by Reverend Malik Shabazz.

Though the Globefest was created to be an entertaining event, clubs also wanted to educate their
fellow students. Amnesty International represented Bahrain, and informed others of a major
problem currently happening there.

“We are doing Bahrain because they have been some social justice issues recently” explained
club president Lizzie Hines. “We have petitions for two teachers that were protesting for better
rights and working on creating a teacher’s union. They were imprisoned and tortured until they
were forced to sign a confession by the government.”

The two teachers, Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb were imprisoned in 2011,
with al-Salman being released in November of that year. Abu Dheep still remains in prison on a
ten year sentence. (

“Amnesty is a global non-violent organization working to preserve human rights’ added Hines.
“We just wanted to raise awareness.”

With such a great turnout, the 2013 Globefest has proven to be a success. Coordinator of the
event, Cassandra Fluker, was very happy at how well everything turned out, stating, “I’m very
pleased with the outcome of Globefest. The student clubs did a wonderful job coordinating it.
It was a great event, and it was wonderful for all of the cultures to come together and celebrate

The Globefest was a great event to have here at HFCC. The celebration brought all races,
backgrounds, and religions that make up the student body together as one. Hopefully, next year’s
Globefest will be just as successful.