HFC Ice Carving Club Wins Team Competition
Jan. 6 to 8, in Plymouth, Michigan, the Henry Ford College Ice Carving Club participated in the annual Plymouth Ice Festival. Competing with them were ice carvers from Oakland Community College, Macomb Community College, and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
HFC ice carvers won three of six competitions. Mark Tampakes and Steve McCormick won the team competition carving an abstract figure entitled, “Invisible Touch.” Jayme Slais and Robert Speeks took third place with their art- nouveau interpretation of a peacock. Mark Tampakes took third place in the individual ice carving competition with his carving of a manta ray. Adding to the club’s success, faculty advisor, Chef Jeffrey Lao, won the dueling chainsaw competition carving the Star Wars character Luke Skywalker. The club also created a 13 block Pokemon character themed display for the ice festival, and taught introductory ice carving skills to visiting students of Utica Eisenhower High School.
On Jan. 27 and 28, the HFC Ice Carving Club competed in the 2017 U.S. National Collegiate ice Carving Championships in Frankenmuth, Michigan.
For information on how to become part of the Ice Carving Club, contact the Coordinator, Steve Dobkowski at: 313-918-5389 or e-mail: stevedob2009@yahoo.com.