Artist Spotlight: Emily Ruda

Every issue we have the pleasure of showcasing a talented artist. While working in the newsroom, the editors discovered a portfolio in the office under a stack of papers. The staff was delighted that the beautiful sketches belonged to our own Emily Ruda.
Emily is a student in HFC’s Graphics Design program. She was hired last semester as an illustrator for the newspaper and is now Assistant Layout Editor managing the layout for the Sports, Fun in the Mirror, and Announcements pages, in addition to designing ads and illustrations. Emily has also assumed the role of lead designer for a new annual publication called “Looking Glass,” which will feature award-winning student art, fiction, and research. Looking Glass will be published and distributed by The Mirror News, in collaboration with the Barrett Writing Contest committee, the Henry Ford II Honors Program, and the Sisson Gallery Student Art Exhibit. Look for the announcement when the first issue of Looking Glass magazine will be available. Emily has designed the master pages for the magazine and is currently in the process of helping to place all content. .Sitting down with Emily, I learned of her inspiration, ambitions, and outlook. We hope you enjoy learning about Emily as much as we have.
Mirror News: What got you interested in art?
Emily Ruda: It's been a hobby since I was probably three or four. My whole family knew I would be an artist one day.
M.N.: What is your major and what are your long term goals with this degree?
E.R.: I’m studying graphic design. My long term goal is to get my master’s in art administration and be an art director.
M.N.: What is your favorite medium to use?
E.R.: I'm always learning new mediums so my favorite changes, but right now I love using charcoal.
M.N.: What would you say is your biggest inspiration?
E.R.: I love to see what other people are doing, so I would say professionals inspire me the most.
M.N.: What other interests or hobbies do you have?
E.R.: I love to try new things, visit new places, and meet new people.
M.N.: Is there anyone to thank who pushed you to be where you are today?
E.R.: Vicki Shepherd is the best mentor, teacher, and artist, so I would like to thank her. Also, my mom has always pushed me to pursue art, so thanks, Momma!
M.N.: How did you get involved in the paper?
E.R.: Dr. Kim and Chloe Michaels came into my Photoshop class saying they were hiring a graphic artist. I jumped at the opportunity seeing as it would start my career. I've learned so much about deadlines, working together, and layout design. Thank you to all of my newspaper people. I love you all.
Emily Ruda is currently attending Wayne State University