The West at War with Islam?

President Obama called over 60 counties to participate in a summit in which he would speak about how everyone should remain “relentless in the efforts to fight” terrorist groups like Al-Qaida and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). On Wednesday Feb. 18 he had a press conference where he highlighted five different areas that people around the world should focus in order to counter violent extremism.
“First”, president Obama said, “we have to confront squarely and honestly the twisted ideologies that these terrorist groups use to incite people to violence”.
Muslims have fought the misconception that people from the Islamic religion are responsible for terrorist attacks. President Obama says that terrorist groups like ISIL are responsible for these ideologies.
“Al Qaeda and ISIL and groups like it are desperate for legitimacy. They try to portray themselves as religious leaders -- holy warriors in defense of Islam.” “They are not religious leaders -- they’re terrorists” the president added to ensure that U.S is not at war with Islam.
Furthermore he adds that in order to destroy the ideology that the west odds with Islam, Muslims have a responsibility to destroy the “broader narrative” which terrorist use to their advantage to recruit young people. He suggests Muslim leaders should not add wood to the fire by stating the war is against Muslims.
Obama said that it is not easy to talk about these issues “And too often, folks are, understandably, sensitive about addressing some of these root issues, but we have to talk about them, honestly and clearly”.
Second, to counter violent extremism, the president spoke about addressing economic grievances. Groups like ISIL move in to poor areas and provide social services, such as schools and health services, but have a hidden agenda, to recruit young people for their terrorist group. The “United States intends to do its part. We will keep promoting development and growth that is broadly shared, so more people can provide for their families. We’ll keep leading a global effort against corruption, because the culture of the bribe has to be replaced by good governance that doesn’t favor certain groups over others.”
The third challenge that was spoken at the conference deals with the issue in which countries oppress their people. Obama suggests that when countries deny human rights to their people it paves the way for extremist to recruit for their terrorist groups. In order to prevent terrorists from recruiting, instead of taking away democracy, it is required to add more democracy.
Fourth he adds that we should embrace our best partners in our efforts against violent extremist who happen to be the communities where young people are recruited from. “Terrorist groups like al Qaeda and ISIL deliberately target their propaganda in the hopes of reaching and brainwashing young Muslims, especially those who may be disillusioned or wrestling with their identity.”
The president adds that when family or friends start to notice behavioral changes in an individual it may suggest that he/she is getting radicalized and that they should intervene because that might make a difference.
And finally, the president closes by saying that we should all stay true to the values that define us to a free and diverse society. He reminds us that many Muslims have fought for the United States and it is something that should not be forgotten by Americans.
The president’s speech comes after reports of many Muslim people being targeted in the United States for presumably belonging to the Muslim faith. Obama says that in order to overcome our adversaries we must all stick together as a nation.
If you want to read the whole speech go to