How to improve that ticker

Are you planning on living past twenty five? Forty? Sixty? Then you might want to know how to improve your hearts health. I know what you’re thinking, and yes, this is basic common sense. Sadly common sense isn’t all that common, which is why I am writing this article. The few tips that everyone (hopefully) knows is that you should be active, practice weight control, and eat healthy, which all tie in together. Along with reminding you of those basic rules I am here to provide you with some not so well known tricks. A very simple way to improve that heart of yours is just taking a deep breath and being calm (

Another beneficial thing to do is increase your sex life (which probably won’t be hard for most of you). Sex reduces your blood pressure and decreases risk for developing heart disease, it also increases overall happiness. Music can also help with lowering blood pressure since it often reduces stress which is a big factor in high numbers. One surprising tool is adding some olive oil while cooking. Coming directly from the Doctor Oz website “According to a Portuguese study, one of the major antioxidants in this Mediterranean crop, DHPEA-EDA, was found to protect red blood cells from damage. Cellular destruction is partly responsible for heart disease, heart attacks and stroke, and red blood cells are particularly susceptible to oxidative damage because they are the body's oxygen carriers” ( There you have it folks, here are some ways that you can improve health for your ticker.