Two New Classes for Winter 2015

Henry Ford College (HFC) offers a wide variety of classes with a number of different majors to choose from. One of such includes that pertaining to world religions. Two new classes related to the latter are being offered in the winter semester of 2015, and they are: WR 236: The African American
Religious Experience and WR 232: Western Religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
WR 236 will be taught by the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Baker of the Church of Abundant Life in
Southfield, Michigan. It will delve into the expression of the African American religious
experience, all the while looking through historical, social, political and economic lenses. This is to attain a well-rounded perspective in understanding which factors played a role in the definition of the African American church.
In WR 236, sacred music will be analyzed, as well as different methods of worship, African American theology and the model of the African American pastor. The class will meet on
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:40 to 2:00 pm in the Liberal Arts building in room 6.
WR 232 on the other hand, is one that will be studying the three main monotheisms of the world; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It will be instructed by Dr. Joel Geffen and will analyze the world's conflicts through a religious outlook, which may relate to what is occurring today in many nations across the globe.
The commonalities and dissimilarities between the three aforementioned faiths will also be topics of study, through looking into their origins and how they play out in today's world. The big questions associated with the nature of ultimate reality will be included in the course as well. It is about considering what is happening now on the global level, taking a look at current events and learning the possible reasons behind them. The class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:10 to 3:30 pm.
The two abovementioned classes are some of the many offered for the winter semester. They promise to give distinct outlooks into different elements of faith-based experience, looking through history as well as recent occurrences today. If one is interested in either of the two courses, he/she may register online at HFC's webadvisor.