Student Environmental Association Report
Volunteering on Belle Isle
On November 15th members of the SEA volunteered removing invasive species on Belle Isle. The primary invasive we removed was honeysuckle. We were broken up into groups of five consisting of two people pulling and cutting, one person dabbing pesticides on cut branches, and two people hauling away the rubbish. The purpose of removing invasive species is to allow natural species to flourish. In this case, many of the non-native species were still green and were outcompeting on the island. The work of our group, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the conservancy will help to open up the forest floor and promote natural biodiversity and recovery to the area. Belle Isle offers Stewardship Days the third Saturday of every month except December; the SEA plans to continue correspondence and volunteer work with Belle Isle.
Recycling Update
The SEA is currently trying to form a grass roots recycling movement on campus. For this movement to succeed we will need a lot of help from all walks of life on campus: students, faculty, staff, etc. We have a long way to go and need some creative thinking and planning to get there. Our goal is for this movement to be sustainable, not only with its impact to the planet, but also in its daily operations and costs. Please contact if you, your group, or department would be interested in aiding the recycling efforts. Any ideas or insight will be greatly appreciated as well.
SEA Group Information
The Student Environmental Association (SEA) meets on Wednesdays in the Student and Culinary Center, room C-119, from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The SEA is a student run organization aimed at the conservation and understanding of the environment. SEA activities are wide-ranging depending on the current group makeup. If you are interested or would like to be added to SEA email updates, please contact