
For some students the most challenging and worrisome part of the career development process is networking. Knowing how to engage with potential professional peers is an ability that takes time to hone. Working on the five steps below can aid you in getting on track for more confident and successful networking!

1. Break the ice!
A smile, an introduction of self and a simple opening question like, “So what brings you here?” are enough components to break the ice. Don't over-think it!

2. Practice on others
Don’t charge headlong at your main target and start talking. Working your way around the room and talking to others beforehand will get you in the right frame of mind and allow you to relax a bit.

3. Ask questions
Don’t be an interrogator but do get out there and ask questions that can get the person you are talking to engaged with you. Avoid yes/no answerable questions. For example, don’t say, “Do you like being a chef?” but rather do say, “So what is the best part about being a chef?”

4. Watch your moves
How you stand, sit, listen and even hold a person’s gaze all plays into what they think about you. Body language is key. Smile, don’t slouch, and shake hands like you mean it!

5. Have fun
For some, networking is torture but it doesn’t have to be. If you have a good time other people can see that. People gravitate towards others that seem to be enjoying themselves. No one talks to the grouch in the corner that looks like he is sucking on a lemon. Be happy, engage and make some connections!

Good luck networking!