Partisan or bipartisan, either way you need to be a part of this vote. Historical or hysterical, it is your responsibility to make a decision on who will be the best candidate to support in assisting with the needs of the people of the US. Indeed, this historical season has lead to the many decisions that have helped to form this country and make it into the “Great Nation” that we call the land of the free. It is in this nation that everyone will have an equal opportunity to be a respected citizen of this land unto which we have been liberated We have been made free to voice our opinion, and that we may do so in a civilized manner.
Through the laws of election, we have been given freedom of speech and freedom of expression which includes one’s freedom to vote! So many have blown this off as “half-time for me-time”. Excuse me!!! This is a wakeup call to inform you that you have a limited time offer to go take your ballot and feel free to choose from the different categories of democrat, republican, partisan or bi-partisan.
There are some things that people should know before they get to the polls. These include inquiries about which district one lives in, the representative of that district, the congressperson for such, representatives for the country, the issues being addressed in the election, what is expected of legislators in office and how the US can be made a better country for its people. As you do your visual profile, critique and calculate the credentials attached to certain people and GO MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT!