Focus Your Goals
Dear Students,
Whether you are a new or current student, I want to personally welcome you to Henry Ford College and share with you some important and exciting information about the Counseling and Advising division that are in place to help you navigate a successful college experience.
Career Counseling and Educational Planning
You may currently be undecided about what program of study to choose or may have decided on a program or a major however still feel conflicted whether or not it’s the right it is the right choice for a future career. The search can be frustrating at time and not having a clear vision of your future can potentially derail you from pursuing your dreams and rob you of the energy you need to successfully complete your educational journey.
Benefits of choosing the right career path:
• Enrollment in courses that translate to a specific program or career;
• Reduced college expenses from unrelated courses.
• Higher confidence from pursuing meaningful career goals; and
• Increased rate of success and marketable skills.
These are only some of the benefits that you will reap as a result of making the right career decision, but most importantly being in the right program for you will generate you more satisfaction and happiness along with keeping yourself focused on completing your educational goals.
New Career Resource Center
To adhere to your career counseling needs, the Counseling and Advising Division and Career Services will be launching a partnership that is aiming to provide you with a more consolidated and improved career development and planning services. If you are undecided, the services begin in Counseling with exploring your interests, skills, values, personality, and ends in Career Services for career planning, market analysis, writing resumes, cover letters, preparing for job interviews, and job opportunities. The Career Resource Center is housed in the Success Center and located between Counseling and the office of Career Services.
Personal Counseling
During your Henry Ford College journey, the demand of school work, jobs, issues at home, loss and grief, stress and stressors can potentially become a barrier to your attendance and hence negatively affect your success and completion of your semester. Our Counselors are all Licensed Professional Counselors by the State of Michigan and many have additional National Board of Certified Counseling certifications. They can provide personal counseling to help guide you through your troubled times and or provide with the appropriate referral if needed. This service is free of charge and available to all students.
Finally, I want to wish you the best of luck as you begin a new semester and remember to add us to your list of Henry Ford College resources that are available to you to ensure your success. Feel free to write or e-mail me directly on ideas to improve our services to you, concerns you may have, or to share with us your own success story.
All the best,
Imad Nouri.M.S.L.P.C
Associate Dean of Counseling and Advising
Assisted Learning Services
Student Outreach and Support