Gym Tips: How to Run
Running takes a lot of adaption to how fast you are running, how long you will be running and how far you will be running. As you start, you will build your stamina, endurance, breathing patterns, and your stride; basically, a routine when running. All routines differ if you prefer side-walk over treadmill or vice versa. Pace also is incorporated in the routine as well.
The saying that goes something like, “You must learn how to walk before you can run,” may only be pertaining to newborns but it can also stand as a warm up tool. When sleeping all night, sitting at a desk at work or school may keep your legs at a resting position.
In this position the legs do not have enough oxygen to start running right away. Therefore, a good way to start running is actually to start walking. I would personally suggest a mild-walk, followed by a fast walk to get the blood moving into your legs then once you feel antsy, increase the speed to start your mild jog and so on. It’s best for your body to slowly adapt to change.
In your cardio session, as mentioned before, a routine should always be considered. If you’re on the treadmill it’s best to set a pattern that can time out your routine. For example, I usually run/walk for 11 minutes to start my 1 hour at the gym. I would walk for two minutes, run for three, walk for three, and run for two more, followed by a one minute cool-down.
On the sidewalks it may work differently. While running on neighborhood streets, you may want to measure your walking/running durations by distance; one block, two blocks, three blocks, so on. The cement sidewalks may also to a number on your legs more considering the treadmill has a belt to ease the impact of your stride.
According to, posture also comes into effect. Keeping a straight back while running can prevent injury. Running for a period of time can hurt your back if you are slouching. Slouching can also affect your breathing pattern. You should poke your chest out if slouching occurs. The arms should be at a 90 degree angle and at waist level. Lastly, the hands should not be tightened like a fist, for your body will lose energy.
If you absorb these tips and use them, you will be able to run long distances. Along with running, one should keep hydrated and use an inhaler if asthma exists. Stretching the leg muscles is also recommended after the workout. If you do not, inflammation can occur.