Harpos Brings Metal to the D

Welcome back for some rock and metal news. This officially marks the last issue of the

Mirror News this year, but that doesn’t mean that I have to stop giving you guys the good news.

Today I am going to spice things up a bit and tell you about the biggest show at Harpos since

Slipknot in 1999. That was amazing; we had one of the world’s best metal bands in Detroit, the

all nine members were in attendance at that show including the late great Paul Gray. On April

12, 2013 Detroit welcomed Sevendust and Coal Chamber along with other bands Lacuna Coil

and Candle Light Red. At first I didn’t think that the show would be as good as I thought it was

going to be but I was really surprised; the mosh pit at this show was fun and crazy. Shoulder to

shoulder action is this best when it comes to shows. It gets the crowd hyped. When people are so

close to the point that they have to push someone to get in the front of them or past them

demonstrates a greats a great show, not to mention an awesome performance.

Candle Light Red blew us all away. I am talking about a very good pit. There wasn’t as many

people there when they played before, but their show was so awesome that people started to

run into each other early. The second band to grace the stage was the amazing Lacuna Coil

from Italy. This band is awesome. They have such a great stage presence that cannot be denied

and you can’t help but to move for them. With all original members of the band with Andrea

Ferro and Cristina Scabbia on vocals how can you lose? This set was amazing; I even touched

Cristina’s hand and also got a chance to get a pick and drumstick from the band. The third band

to destroy the stage in Harpos was the Coal Chamber. Now this was mosh pit, this band knows

how to throw a party. Beer, smoke, and all out mayhem is what this band represents. The vocalist

of Coal Chamber came out on stage with a bull horn screaming at the crowd getting excited for

Sevendust. The last and final band to grace the stage was Sevendust. These dudes set Harpos on

fire. I have never seen smoke and pyro used in Harpos before but that nigh. When they took the

stage, the crowd went up in an uproar bodies, beer and smoking everywhere.

This show was amazing. If you were able to attend then you know why a lot of your friends were

sore. Ok guys , I have to let you go. I had fun chatting metal for the Fall and Winter semesters

and I will see you all in the fall of 2013. As always, keep those horns raised high and never stop

head banging. \mm/