A Very Good Year for Environnmental Specialists

In the field of Environmental Protection, job seekers can specialize in areas like environmental pollution, research, monitoring, setting environmental standards, enforcement and protection. Two year programs, certificate programs, on the job training and career development are great ways to develop qualifications. The Environmental Protection Agency, created in 1970, offers internships, fellowships, student contracting and on-campus opportunities. It also offers specialized internships and fellowships for law students and recent law school graduates.
According to their historical documentation, the EPA was “ Born in the wake of elevated concern about environmental pollution, EPA was established on December 2, 1970 to consolidate in one agency a variety of federal research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activities to ensure environmental protection. Since its inception, EPA has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the American people.”
The Private sector offers competitive employment for comparable positions with on the job training and continual training and learning. Starting out with work in the EPA is a good start in maximizing the employment demand of the private sector. This is truly a win- win situation.
In addition to the US federal agency careers, Global Warming has yielded prospects for international and global opportunities which are growing at a fast rate. Going into the area of Environmental Protection or Environmental Consecration requires a commitment and on-going investment in learning and research, even in you are not specifically involved in strictly research itself. The entry level wages can average in the upper $40,000 and have a median in the mid $50,000. The careers outlook reports of the Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports an even higher range for selected management and business specialist occupations.

Selected management and business specialist occupations Median annual wages, May 2011

Compliance officers
Construction managers 89,920
Cost estimators 67,680
Emergency management directors 77,690
Natural sciences managers 96,710
Public relations specialists 62,190

Occupational Employment Statistics data are available at www.bls.gov/oes. The data do not include benefits.as a field. * 2013 BLS career outlook report James Hamilton September 2912 Report *