Opinion - Christmas Classics
It’s that time of the year when we plan what gifts we’ll, look forward to what we might receive, and start checking out the sales for black Friday. Have those Christmas carols already prevalent everywhere just become white noise? Nat King Cole is now played through speakers covered in tinsel, but has that indelible mark of Christmas taken a back seat?
Christmas classics complete with pagan trees, stars and angels are recognized worldwide, but what should make them special in the hearts of many are the stories behind them. Paper chains made by siblings on their best behavior with that naughty-or-nice list in mind, handmade and heirloom ornaments and cookies baked with your grandma for Santa are things that can be easily forgotten in the busy, ever-changing present.
Films like “Miracle on 34th Street” and “White Christmas” are holiday movies that serve as steady symbols of the simplicity life once offered, mixed in with Chris Kringle and bits of kindness. The question that may come to mind is whether or not such movies are applicable to life today. We can all use a break from the quick pace of technology, work and school. Allowing one’s self to be immersed in the past permit the alleviation of stress –albeit for two hours- hence becoming cathartic.
Christmas classics might not be emblems of childhood for all, but for those whom it is, exercising such memories in a present context may be helpful.