News - From the Inside Looking In

Which building do I go into? Where is the welcome center? What classes should I take this semester?
All of us asked those types of questions when we began out first year of college at HFCC. We wish we’d had a friend that could have walked us through that perplexing cycle of our beginning college experiences. With the Inside Track Mentoring Program, you do.
The Inside Track Mentor Program has been a success over the past few years and since its start in the fall of 2009, each year brings more exciting experiences. The goal of the program is to make the transition from high school students and those coming back to school after a few years less difficult. Each mentee has a personal mentor that is here to help them and any issues they may have by assisting in solving them.
There are many benefits of becoming a part of this program. For starters, it’s completely free. Additionally, you receive support and encouragement, up to date information about campus events and activities, meet new people and make friends, while gaining valuable advice from an upper-class student.
Ammie Helling is one of the individuals in charge of the program and diligently spends her time working with her team to better assisting mentees.
“I think you will enjoy being a mentor, I would like for you to join the team,” says current mentor Liz E as she recalls the first time that she met Ammie. Liz also says, “she was right!”
Liz has been a mentor since last winter and enjoys every bit of it. She enjoys being there for her mentees. Her favorite part is when the mentees turn right around and become mentors the following semester.
“It’s kind of like a cycle of help for incoming HFCC students,” Liz said.
This fall semester has been a real success because there were more mentee applicants attained by going around classrooms and spreading the word of what Inside Track is all about.
When asked about the goal of the program for the future Liz said, “Our goal is to expand the program and get more students to be mentors.”
The only challenge Liz faces this semester is being able to get a hold of mentees at times, but other than that, she says, “It’s very rewarding.”

If you are interested, or have any questions about the Inside Track Mentoring Program, send an email to