IAA Club Security Seminar
The Informance Assurance Alliance Club (IAA) will be hosting a seminar about security information for students, on October 30 from 4 to 5 pm in the Liberal Arts building. The room number will be announced in the flyers or other advertisements, so watch out for that!
At the seminar, students will learn how to create a secure password, protect themselves against identity theft and the Internet by using software, and much more. Powerpoint demonstrations will give students a chance to have hands-on experience with creating passwords. Students will also have time to ask questions.
IAA is group of people that believe that knowledge is power and would love to share that knowledge for free. Stop by the seminar and see for yourself how much this you can benefit from learning about higher security. It may be the best decision you ever make!
Contact Marci Conner for information by email at: mrconner2@hfcc.edu or call: (313) 317-4021.