G4M3R’5 GU1D3 - BATTLE: Link’s Master Sword vs. Cloud Strife’s Fusion Swords
Hey there, Gamers! I’d like to introduce you to a new topic that shall be reoccurring in the G4M3R’5 GU1D3. I call them “Battles,” in which I choose two weapons, characters, places, or objects from different video games and compare them to find out which one is better. Who decides? You do! The next issue of The Mirror News, I will reveal who takes the cake. That being said, let’s begin!
We’ve all heard of the Master Sword, that legendary blade from the Legend of Zelda series. We know it’s “famous” and “a sacred weapon,” but do we really know it’s origin? Allow me to shed a little light on the subject. The Master Sword originally started out as a holy blade crafted from the goddess, Hylia. Sure a blade created from an otherworldly source sounds impressive enough, but if you are familiar with the series, then you probably have heard the names Din, Farore, and Nayru, as well. They are the three goddesses who created the land of Hyrule, and left the sacred triforce in Hylia’s hands to protect. So this goddess sword, in order to reach it’s true potential had to have so additional power bestowed upon it. That’s where the three goddesses and our beloved princess Zelda come in.
So we have the godly Goddess Sword created by Hylia. Then, that sword is purified by the three sacred flames, which are forms of Din, Nayru, and Farore’s power. As a final result, the blade is given a final blessing by Zelda who (SPOILER ALERT) is a reincarnation of the goddess Hylia herself, and reaches its final form as the true master sword. Sounds impressive right? Well, let’s talk about the specs a bit.
The master sword is a one-hander, making it convenient to carry, and you could say that it’s holy powers make up for the strength you could get from a two-handed sword. Not only that, but it’s the only known weapon in mankind to be powerful enough to destroy evil. For example, Demise who is evil itself, can take on any form and can only be harmed by the master sword. Oh, and did I mention it’s indestructible?
Let’s move on to our next competitor, the fusion swords. If you’re familiar with the Final Fantasy series than you should already know how awesome these swords are. The fusion swords are a six-pieced sword assembly Cloud Strife uses in several of his titles. Each sword is a different shape and size, and are used for different purposes. And the best part? They can all come together to form a single, large, powerful blade. So breaking down the blades separately, we have the main blade, the hollow blade, the back blades, and the side blades.
The main blade is a huge double sided, somehow one-handed sword. A great sword for powerful blows and side sweeps thanks to the dual edges. Next is the hollow sword, which obviously, is hollow on the inside. Though you wouldn’t think so, the blade is actually very sturdy and acts as a useful defense mechanism to block incoming blows. The back blades are identical swords with one jagged edge and one straight edge. These serve as mostly support blades, helping whatever is in the main hand give more powerful attacks. Lastly, the side blades serve as daggers (though they’re still long for daggers) and quite honestly, are mostly there for show, but we’ll give them credit for being pretty sweet looking switchblades.
The Fusion Swords may not be holy weapons created from a god but they can do things that the master sword can’t, such as breaking through concrete as easy as cutting a piece of paper. Of course, this is only when the swords are fused together. The completed form is HUGE and when I say that I mean no human being could probably ever carry that thing without help, but I guess if Cloud can with one hand...it can’t be too bad. And when you think about it, having all the functions of a one-hander, two-hander, dagger, and a “shield” wrapped up in a giant sword, you can’t really complain about the weight. Just use it on the moon or something.
So there you have it folks. Who will win this epic battle? You decide! E-mail me at the link below or deliver your vote to The Mirror News office in the Student Activities building in room C-117. Until next time, gamers, stay golden!