Counselor’s Corner - Transfer Advising Career Counseling Services
I am sure you are aware of how quickly we are approaching the end of the fall semester. Now is the time for you to evaluate the progress that you have made and are continuing to make toward academic, career, and personal goals. As you conduct a self-evaluation, you may find that you would benefit from the services of the University Transfer Advising Career Counseling Center at Henry Ford Community College.
Our academic services include assistance with the selection of courses related to your selected educational program choice (associate degree, certification, or transfer program). We will discuss and suggest a realistic course load and how to balance the amount of credits with your lifestyle. Our College Success Class (COLL 101) is an excellent course to assist you with navigating the college environment and will help you improve your study skills.
Career guidance is another service provided by our office. You can schedule an individual appointment to discuss your career goals and aspirations, or, you can visit the Career Resource Center where you can use our computerized career assessment tools and/or complete an interest inventory. We also offer Career Exploration (COUN 120), Life Work Planning (COUN 125), and Career Exploration Seminars for students who are undecided about their career focus.
Counseling is also provided to students with personal concerns. Personal concerns may deal with relationship issues, conflict resolution, motivational issues, self-esteem, stress management, and family concerns. We offer Stress Management (COUN 114) and Active Parenting (COUN 128) to deal with some of these issues. The Human Potential Seminar (COUN 110) focuses on increasing greater usage of your positive human potential. Our staff of Licensed Professional Counselors will provide you with active listening skills and assist you with options to help you resolve your issues and concerns.
We look forward to working with you to enhance your academic success, career choice, and personal growth. Our goal is to support your positive growth and development at Henry Ford Community College.