Job Placement - Greetings HFCC Students!

Greetings HFCC students, faculty, and staff members! I hope all of you had a great summer. The Mirror News has asked me to introduce myself and tell you a little about the office on campus that I work in. My name is Chad Austin and I am the Job Placement Officer here at Henry Ford Community College. The Job Placement Office is located in T-112 of the Technology Building. The staff at the Job Placement Office is dedicated to assisting students and alumni in their professional/job development. Our office can help you find temporary or part-time work while you are in school or help you look for that first professional position in your field as you near graduation.
We work with employers to provide you with every opportunity to gain meaningful work experience in your field. We help you with all of your job search documents including resumes, cover letters, and reference pages. We assist you with interview preparation and how to dress appropriately for interviews/professional interactions. We work constantly to put more and more resources at your disposal to increase your chances for finding a job. Networking with employers and scheduling and hosting on-campus recruiting efforts is also a big part of what we do. To learn more please go to our website at
I also wanted to make sure to inform you all about some of the big events you can look forward to this fall. Very soon the Job Placement Office will be moving to a new on-line software system for students to utilize when applying for jobs. We are very excited about this new system and are very confident that it will be extremely helpful for students and alumni as they look to gain employment. Talk to the Job Placement Office staff for more details and check your HFCC email account regularly for updates.
Lastly, the Job Placement Office is hosting a Career Expo on November 15, 2012 from 1-6 p.m. on the first floor of the ASCC building on HFCC’s main campus. This expo will have 100+ employers and colleges in attendance as well as prize giveaways, breakout sessions, and much more. The Career Expo will be open to the general public starting at 2:00 p.m. If any HFCC student would like to gain admittance to the Career Expo at 1:00 p.m. then they need to have attended one of the Job Placement Office’s advance prep sessions. The first prep session is our Open Resume Workshop on September 13, 2012 from 12:00-5:00 p.m. in the ASCC Building in the Rosenau rooms. Stop by the Resume Workshop at any point during that block of time and get signed up for early admission! I hope to see all of you stop by the Job Placement Office in the near future. Have a great semester!