Behind the Scenes of HFCC’s Beautiful Campus
How many people would you say take care of the campus? This includes the planting of the trees and flowers; trimming all the trees; mowing the lawn; weed-whacking; salting the pavements and parking lots; shoveling the snow; and cleaning the grounds of trash and cigarettes.
Most people, would think that there would be dozens of people doing all of this work; but in actuality, there are only five employees.
During the spring and summer, even when it is 100 degrees, they’re out there cutting the lawn, and planting trees and flowers to keep our campus looking beautiful.
In the fall and winter, no matter the weather, they’re plowing the snow and salting the pavements so that students will have a safer drive—even the ones that are doing 40 mph in the parking lots.
“It is dangerous work out there with people driving as fast as they do, even with the color jackets we have on, people still don’t notice because they’re busy with their phones and other things,” Steve Hornbucle said.
Though this past winter was mild, these dedicated people found a way to keep HFCC beautiful by clearing the woods from the fence and four feet back. Big deal? Some might have that attitude, but the fence runs from the Ford Road ramp all the way to the U of M campus—so yes, it is a big deal. And it is all done to make the view that much more amazing and to allow for the forest to flourish.
“In the winter we’re on call 24/7, but it’s mostly volunteer time,” says Steve Hornbuckle.
Who are these wonderful people who do all this work to make Henry Ford Community College such a beautiful place?
They are: Steve Hornbuckle, Master Gardener Harold Kelly, Kate Lewis, Mike Sterling, Tom Kearney, and Supervisor Allen Galati. These five people do the work of ten and ask nothing more than for people to slow down in the parking lot.
So next time you see someone working on the lawn or planting something, smile and say thank you for all your hard, dedicated work.