
July 23 – August 22
Pay close attention to what your body is telling you. If it tells you to rest, rest. You can over exert yourself at any age, no matter what your physical fitness level. Car troubles—whether it be buying new tires or replacing a cracked windshield—seem unavoidable this month. It might be a good idea to get a tune-up, both for you and your car.

August 23 – Sept. 22
As any living thing, love also needs time to grow. Smothering it will only hinder its potential—love needs to breathe, too! Don’t let the little things at school or work get you down, you’ll have many more good days than bad. It’s how you handle those bad days that makes all the difference—and know that someone of importance is watching.

Sept. 23 – October 22
Keep weighing your options, Libra. You are right not to jump so quickly. Don’t settle on something just because you feel pressured into making a hasty decision. Take your time and make the right choice for you. Don’t let others make this decision for you. It is your life, take control.

October 23 – Nov. 21
Hey Scorpio, I don’t blame you for feeling optimistic and full of energy! There’s a feeling of well-being in the air and you are breathing it all in. This month looks to be very good for you from beginning to end. Cupid is still hovering over your shoulder, and money floats your way around the 15th. Good for you!

Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
You’re in a weird mood—you go through that sometimes. What is it that makes you want to run away from everything and everyone? Perhaps you’re searching for the happiness of the past? Whatever it is, you will never break this awful cycle until you realize that you can never be comfortable in your life until you are comfortable in your own skin.

Dec. 22 – January 19
Having survived some trying times lately, you’ve come out stronger than you know. The latter half of this month promises to be good for you as emotional ties to the old will dwindle; and new relationships form. A new career move may be on the horizon, look for opportunities in the most uncommon of places—you may just be surprised.

January 20 – Feb. 18
Your mind is so preoccupied that you literally can’t hear what others are saying when they speak to you. It’s time to clean out the upstairs attic and let the little things go. Life is too short to worry about the things you can’t change. And sadly, in the process of the useless worry, you miss out on what’s most important—life.

Feb. 19 – March 20
What’s with the temper, Pisces? You do not wear anger well. You’re usually laid back and quite lovable, but apparently “all work and no play” makes Pisces an angry soul. So, put some time aside for yourself, go out with some friends and enjoy. Why not do yourself a favor and start saving some money to take that vacation you’ve wanted to take?

March 21—April 19
Holding onto the past prohibits you from moving into your future. Let it go, and know that it is for the best. Turn to your family and true friends for support, they care. But beware; the friend, who keeps the fire ablaze, pours salt into your wounds. A true friend lightens your heart and fills it laughter, not pangs of the past—choose your friends carefully.

April 20 – May 20
Confident and strong! That’s a great feeling. And you deserve to feel that way. After everything that you have been through, and to finally come out on top?—yep, I’d say a cartwheel or two is in order. But remember, wallowing in self-importance is beneath you. I’m not saying that you don’t deserve to gloat a bit, just keep it classy. Why demean who you are just to say “I told you so”?

May 21 – June 21
Pining away after the person you love won’t bring them closer to you—in fact, it will do quite the opposite. Put your emotions in check, show some restraint, and let things happen slowly. You cannot force fate. If it’s meant to be, it will happen in its own time, on its own terms. Relax, you’re missing out on the moment.

June 22 – July 22
Your premonitions are on point this month. Listen closely to what your inner-self tells you. You have a tendency not to pay attention to that “little voice” because of its ephemeral nature, but then end up regretting not doing so. This month, it is imperative that you pay attention—it will help you in more ways than you can imagine.