
In numerology it is said that everyone has a life path number, ranging from one to nine. This number offers insight into who you are as a person when it comes to personal characteristics, how you look at life, and also offers a life path lesson or a piece of advice to help you on the journey. As a little Halloween treat—or trick—I will show you how to gain your life path number and learn a little more about what makes you…you.
Write your birth date—month, day, and year—on a slip of paper (for example, 06/21/1989). Now write all of the single digits and add them together (for example; 0+6+2+1+1+9+8+9=36). Then add these two digits together (3+6=9). If you have a three-digit number, still add the digits together; the object is to keep adding until you reach a single digit, from one to nine. When you reach a single digit, you have discovered your life path number. Take a look below, and read a little more about your path.
Share this trick—or treat—and have a safe and happy Halloween.
One: As a one, you are highly motivated to fulfill desire. You are independent, demanding, self-fulfilling, friendly, innovative, and are a natural leader. You are never a follower, and if you are put into that position, you have a hard time following orders. You love to lead and it is a part of your nature. Politics, business, teaching, and management are good careers for you. Strength is also associated with ones, and it shows in both physicality and personality. This gives you your drive. On the flip side you can be self-centered, selfish, over-confident and impatient. Life Lesson: It’s okay to ask others for help and have some dependence.
Two: As a two you are persuasive, intuitive, diplomatic, a mediator, and motivated to fix things or sort things out. You can be very fair and can balance things very well. You are sensitive and oriented towards helping others. Counseling, business, law, and teaching are good careers for you. Perfection is also associated with twos, and shows in anything you do. It can be a good quality for you if you can steer it in a positive direction and not allow it to over bear. On the flip side you love routine, are overly sensitive, nervous, uneasy, and lean toward apathy or lethargy. Life lesson: Stay motivated and in touch with your intuition. It never steers you wrong.
Three: As a three you are highly creative, optimistic, charismatic, inventive and friendly, and come across as a person of beauty or harmony. You are an entertainer and live life to the fullest, but have a hard time handling money. Journalism, acting, comedy, and music are good careers for you. Communication and connection are also associated with threes. You are social, and good at giving advice and speaking in large crowds. On the flip side you can be overly sensitive, have highs and lows, hate routine and following orders, as well as slow thinking, impatient and overly optimistic. Life Lesson: You can be realistic and still live life to the fullest. Don’t be judgmental.
Four: As a four you are down to earth, practical, trustworthy, honest, and excellent at building or fixing things. You are a builder in both the physical sense and in society. You are about making things last. Business, engineering, technical jobs, and health are good careers for you. Loyalty and devotion are also associated with fours. This makes you a good partner in relationships and life in general. On the flip side you can be narrow-minded, repressive, stubborn, brutally honest and judgmental, and can miss the bigger picture sometimes. Life Lesson: Balance between work and play, be optimistic, and sometimes give someone a second chance.
Five: As a five you are geared toward change. You are adventurous, a great thinker, versatile, unrestrained, and compassionate. You are about progression and making things change, as well as a great motivator. Business, politics, health (research), and jobs with travel are great careers for you. Adventure is also associated with fives, and encompasses your mind frame. This can be on a physical or mental level. You have the ability to draw people out of their shells, so to speak. On the flip side you can be multi-talented to the point of indecision, confused, restless, discontent, and impulsive. Life Lesson: Always keep responsibilities in mind. Work before play.
Six: As a six you are a nurturer. You are very just, domestic, caring, a humanitarian and contributor. You love the home and work place, and love being part of a community. Health, social work, business, and any humanitarian position would offer good careers for you. Understanding and compassion are also associated with sixes. You use these tools to help others in any way. On the flip side you can be overwhelmed, taken advantage of, too hard on yourself, critical, exaggeration and naivety. Life Lesson: It’s good to give to others, but you can’t give what you don’t have yourself.
Seven: As a seven you have a keen eye. You are a thinker, observer, analyzer, perfectionist, affectionate, and one to investigate. You are realistic and emphatic, but have a hard time letting people get close to you. Business, education, journalism, and jobs that offer solitude are good career choices for you. Intuition is also associated with sevens, and you may use this unawares. Seven is a very spiritual number, and you walk this path. On the flip side you can be pessimistic, secretive, selfish, spoiled, inconsiderate, and too independent. Life Lesson: Knowledge is not the only form of learning. Emotions can teach us much, as well. Learn to let people get close to you.
Eight: As an eight you are ambitious, organized, goal oriented, efficient, independent, and have the ability to finish things that seem far-fetched. You have the natural ability to manage anything. You are a good judge of character and good worker, but avoid becoming a workaholic. Business, management, law, and any executive position would offer good careers for you. Success is also associated with eights, and you strive for this. It’s easily acquired, but be careful of this trait when it comes to personal relationships. On the flip side you can be dictatorial, suppress enthusiasm, inconsiderate, obsessed, isolated, lonely, and neglectful. Life Lesson: Money isn’t everything. Be careful not to disregard others’ opinions.
Nine: As a nine you are dramatic, compassionate, generous, a humanitarian, trustworthy, honorable, and very spiritual. You don’t care too much about material things, and have a hard time holding onto money. Health, social work, counseling, and any creative or artistic field offer good careers for you. Magnetic, openness, and command are also associated with nines. People are easily attracted to you and find your open sensitivity alluring. You have a commanding presence, as well as much to share on a spiritual level. On the flip side you tend to ignore reality, are easily hurt, lack ambition, give too much, and have high expectations. Life Lesson: Don’t expect too much of others or you will be easily let down. Learn responsibility and be realistic.