Letters To the Editor
HFCC is an institution of higher learning. One that teaches critical teaching skills in many of its classes. As such, I am surprised to see a horoscope section in the Mirror News. You even elaborate about how the author of such horoscopes, Courtney Hardison, is qualified to write them due to her “research” and “psychic abilities.”
How about the Mirror News do its own research?
Scientific studies have shown there is nothing to substantiate the claims of astrology and horoscopes. There was even one experiment done by James Randi which can be viewed on YouTube. In it Randi offers a room full of college students personalized and detailed horoscopes based on their birthdates. Upon giving each student their own horoscope, he asks them to rate it on accuracy. Most students rated that it was very accurate and described their personality well. After that, Randi had each student exchange papers, and they were all surprised to discover that they had all been given the same exact horoscope! The James Randi Foundation (www.randi.org) also offers one million dollars to anyone who can prove the validity of any paranormal, supernatural or psychic claim. Interestingly, after many years, this prize still goes unclaimed.
I encourage everyone to do their OWN research. However, I will still provide my fellow students with a useful horoscope. You, and the future, are what you make of it.....that is why we are all at HFCC, isn't it?
Angela A.
HFCC student
The Mirror News strives for excellence and reliability. Our goal is to provide news and valid information; this is, in essence, journalism. This may also include a horoscope section, as evidenced by many major newspapers across the country.
The science of astrology is that a constellation is assigned to the period of time in which you were born. Other stars move through these constellations, and that is what an astrologer studies: patterns and the nature of people when these patterns occur.
When you talk about astrology, know that this doesn’t just involve horoscopes, but also birth charts, weather patterns, health, and many other forms of astrology. Horoscopes are one small form and one small piece of that puzzle.
I am not offering the answer to the future; I am offering a small piece of entertaining advice that some will take and some may ignore. I recognize your argument. At the same time, there are two sides to every case.
Sometimes both sides are valid.
Courtney Hardison
Business Manager, Mirror News