HFCC Professor Trovini Looks Back to the Future
“My professional scholarly interest lies in the intersection of technology, culture, literature, and philosophy,” said Professor Kevin Trovini, one of the many premier English and literature instructors at Henry Ford Community College. While many know him for his Cyberpunk class—part of Topics in Literature—he teaches several other classes throughout the English spectrum, from Beginners English, to Business and Technical Writing. He also teaches Great Works, an Honors class that is open to all instructors which focuses on a variety of works of literature and the impact they have had on society; a class very similar to those found in many universities.
Trovini, an Eastern Michigan graduate, originally planned to major in physics. However, during his time as an undergraduate, he came to the discovery that his fascination lied in the possible, in the creativity of scientists. As Trovini mentioned, “I found that with English, I was able to explore how writers, how civilizations depict scientific advancements and technological advancements and the influence that they're having on their cultures.”
He also delivered a presentation earlier this year, called Visions of the Future, for the Faculty Lectureship Award. The Faculty Lectureship Award is a program that allows teachers, through the Faculty Senate, to pursue their own scholarship. Visions of the Future detailed how perspectives of the future as presented through literature have shaped our present, as well as what futuristic or foresight literature says about us and how we see the future.
So what's next for Trovini? The English professor wants to eventually return to school for his doctorate, but as of now there is little free time for studies. In parting, professor Trovini stated, “Pursue your interests, have a great time with it, but don't just stay in the classroom.” He encourages students to become more involved clubs and activities, and not get stuck in the routine of coming to school, working, and leaving school to get ready to do it again.